Wednesday 9 February 2011

Hello World

Right then.

Well Gary has set up a blog for random thoughts so i thought i would do the same, why not.

Its 23:30, i'm sleep but really don't want to go to bed....

So the new year so far, its been very productive! Within a week of the year i got a new job working for nPower on one of the project teams. I've spent the last 3 weeks running around like a mad man setting up a new office, sorting out all the little things that need doing, writing policies, ticking boxes, ordering stationary, first aid supplier, high viz jackets. Printing desk name plates....all sorts...I will be glad when its over but i'm enjoying it.

Financiallly we have killed a credit card, got on top of the other and on Friday i will get paid and Gaz and I will have a full wage to enjoy...and the week after and the week after.

on a boring techy note, i have finally managed to instal OSx onto my laptop, so i'm effectively talking to you from an Apple Mac....I can see why its cool, seriously considering getting a Mac in future, as long as it can handle windows ok, still too many benefits..

Looking forward to mine and Gary's 3rd anniversary, thinking up something fun :) Gonna make sure Gaz is driving in the next few months....lifes generally good.

Way too tired to type so much so will catch up tommorow :D

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